
I Don’t Know Who Needs to Hear This, but You’re Allowed to Just “Be.”

person wearing pair of black slides

It’s August 1. Already.

The last few months have been busy, but the last few weeks were particularly full. I took on new management responsibilities at work, we moved house, and I started taking Spanish lessons three days a week. All around the same time.

I tried to push through and keep up with my usual routines to help things feel more normal. But it’s all felt like a bit too much lately.

So today, I decided I had to say no to something, and I cancelled today’s gym session.

It’s ok to say “No”

Now, I love the gym. Anyone who follows me on Instagram knows that my gym routine is a key part of my mental wellbeing. But today, I needed rest more. So I drank my coffee in bed and journaled before slowly starting my work day.

My therapist reminded me last week that especially during busy periods in life, we need to carve out time to just “be.” Balancing doing with being was never my strong suit. I usually approach it as another task accomplish. But the point of going on a mental health walk is not to check it off a list to say “Ok, I did the self care thing today, now I can move on to the important stuff.” It’s part of the important stuff.

cozy interior of ethnic styled bedroom
Photo by Tatiana Syrikova on Pexels.com

When I intentionally dedicate time to just being, it’s just as – if not more – important as the time I spend doing. It’s time for just me to refill my (sometimes very) empty cup so that I can continue to show up in my life in the ways that I want to. It gives me time for perspective that I often lose sight of when I’m chasing deadlines or putting pressure on myself to be a perfect manager.

And that means remembering that it’s ok to say no to things sometimes.

Even if I usually enjoy them.

Even if I usually attend them.

Even if other people don’t understand.

Being vs Doing

I’ll get back to the gym. I’ll get to all those emails. The world will still turn on its axis.

I know things will eventually settle back down. And in the meantime, I will practice being so that I can “do” well.

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